Announcement by Middle East Financial Investment Company (MEFIC Capital) regarding a Call for a Second Meeting of the Fund’s Unitholders of MEFIC Real Estate Income Fund

Middle East Financial Investment Company (MEFIC Capital) invites (MEFIC Real Estate Income Fund ) unitholders to attend the second unitholders meeting that will be held remotely at (11:00 AM) on 02/20/1443. h) Corresponding to (27/09/2021G) to discuss the following agenda: 1) Discussing the legal status of the Fund. 2) Discuss the proposed exit plan. Suggested decisions: 1) Disbursing 50% of the fund’s outcomes immediately. The remaining after 6 months. 2) Extension of the liquidation period for an additional 6 months to end the legal stuff. Should you need further clarification, please contact us by (Telephone No +966 11218 6666 / Email Address

Unit holders will be provided with the meeting link via e-mail