1- MEFIC SAR Murabaha Fund

The MEFIC SAR Murabaha Fund is Shariah Compliant and low-risk investment fund that provides flexible liquidity options to the investors, and mirrors bank time deposits in terms of investment strategy. It is the best performing fund in its category (fixed income / money market) since 2013.


The financial statement

2- Murabaha Plus Fund

MEFIC Murabaha Plus Fund is a Sharia Compliant, private closed-ended fund, which is an ideal mix of enhanced return, monthly liquidity, and moderate risk, aimed at ensuring steady income for the investors. This fund has been created to provide higher returns to the investors as compared to the Time Deposits (Shariah/Conventional) with banks and Murabaha/Money Market Funds.

The Investment Universe of this product includes:

  • Murabaha Transactions
  • Sukuk and Sukuk Funds
  • Sharia Compliant Margin Lending
  • Leverage to MEFIC Funds & Products

The fund has been successfully closed and is listed here only for information purposes.